EV Charger AC/DC
The AC/DC Ev Charger provides a high-quality, yet cost-effective electric vehicle charging station, which is designed to offer Level 3 fast charging to every Electric Vehicle (EV/PHEV). With OCPP integrated, the charger can be easily connected to our cloud charging management system for easy operation, monitoring, and maintenance.

IEC 61851-1 Mode 3 fast charging
IEC 62196 Type-2 socket or cable
Charging speeds 7kW 32A
Built-in overload and fault current protection
Built-in LED charging status indicator
MID-certified energy meter
Built-in RCCB Type-B
CE Certified
Full OCPP 1.6J commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation


IEC 61851-1 Mode 3 fast charging
IEC 62196 Type-2 socket or Type-2 plug
Charging speeds - 7kW (32A)
Built-in LED charging status indicator
2.8' LCD display
RFID authentication
Current detection 30mA AC & 6mA DC
CE Compliant
Full OCPP 1.6J profiles support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation

IEC 61851-1 Mode 3 fast charging
IEC 62196 Type-2 socket or cable
Charging speeds 22kW 32A
Built-in overload and fault current protection
Built-in LED charging status indicator
MID certified energy meter
Built-in RCCB Type-B
CE Certified
Full OCPP 1.6J commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation


IEC 61851-1 Mode 3 fast charging
IEC 62196 dual Type-2 connectors
Charging speeds - 2x22kW (32A)
Built-in overload and fault current protection
Built-in LED charging status indicator
MID-certified energy meter
Built-in RCCB Type-B
IP grade 55 IEC 60529
CE Compliant
Full OCPP 1.6J commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation

IOC030HY2 & IOC060HY2

Level 3 fast charging
Dual CCS-2 charging connector
Charging speeds - up to 30KW & 60KW
95% power efficiency for cost-saving operation
Embedded RFID card reader for user authentication
8” LCD touch screen & user-friendly interface
Wired/wireless network capability for back-office integration
CE certified
Full OCPP 1.6 commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation
Official OCA(OCPP) & OCPI Member

Level 3 fast charging
DUAL CCS-2 charging connector
Charging speeds - up to 120KW
95.5% power efficiency for cost-saving operation
Embedded RFID card reader for user authentication
8” LCD touch screen & user-friendly interface
Wired/wireless network capability for back-office integration
CE certified
Full OCPP 1.6 commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation
Official OCA(OCPP) & OCPI Member
Mode 4 fast charging
CCS-2, CHAdeMO, Type-2 AC
Charging speeds - up to 120KW
95.5% power efficiency for cost-saving operation
Embedded RFID card reader for user authentication
8” LCD touch screen & user-friendly interface
Wired/wireless network capability for back-office integration
CE certified
Full OCPP 1.6 commands support
OCPP profiles 1: Firmware Management and Remote Trigger
OCPP profiles 2: Smart Charging
OCPP profiles 3: Local Auth List Management and Reservation
Official OCA(OCPP) & OCPI Member
Grow Your Vision

Motorcycle Battery Swapping

EV Chargers provide reliable, affordable, and clean energy for users. We are proud to be part of the new approach and will keep looking for innovative ways to provide customers with renewable energy.
70V 20A , 62.05V 40A etc.
